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Effective Wart Removal Techniques

Effective Wart Removal Techniques

A wart is generally a small, rough growth, typically on a human’s hands or feet but often other locations, that can resemble a cauliflower or a solid blister. They are caused by a viral infection, specifically by one of the many types of human papillomavirus (HPV). These viruses transmit from an infected person to the other through direct physical contact and this disorder usually affects an individual with low immunity. This skin disorder may appear anywhere in the body but mainly seen in hands, feet, face, neck and genital region.

Wart removal is a necessity to sufferers whose daily activities have been inconvenienced or when the warts badly affect their physical appearances. It can be rather embarrassing for the victims to face their friends or just about anyone especially when multiple warts develop on their bodies in visible areas. Worse still, folks who are ignorant about the causes of warts may mistakenly view the sufferers as lacking in personal hygiene and therefore suffer from multiple ugly warts. As you can see, the impact these warts have upon the individual extends beyond just the physical. Suffering from warts can be detrimental to one's confidence and self-esteem. This article will walk you through briefly what are the different types of warts, what are the likely causes, and what can be done to treat them.

A range of types of wart have been identified, varying in shape and site affected, as well as the type of human papillomavirus involved. These include:

•Common wart (Verruca vulgaris), a raised wart with roughened surface, most common on hands, but can grow anywhere on the body;
•Flat wart (Verruca plana), a small, smooth flattened wart, flesh-coloured, which can occur in large numbers; most common on the face, neck, hands, wrists and knees;
•Filiform or digitate wart, a thread- or finger-like wart, most common on the face, especially near the eyelids and lips;
•Genital wart (venereal wart, Condyloma acuminatum, Verruca acuminata), a wart that occurs on the genitalia.
•Mosaic wart, a group of tightly clustered plantar-type warts, commonly on the hands or soles of the feet;
•Periungual wart, a cauliflower-like cluster of warts that occurs around the nails.
•Plantar wart (verruca, Verruca plantaris), a hard sometimes painful lump, often with multiple black specks in the center; usually only found on pressure points on the soles of the feet.

Warts are a skin condition that many individuals have. Although this condition is, in most cases, completely harmless, there are many individuals who wish to have their warts removed. This is because some warts, depending on their location, can be painful and others are unattractive. If you have warts and you are interested in having them removed, there is a good chance that you may have thought about doing your own at home wart removal. While it is possible to do, are you aware of the dangers? If not, it is important to familiarize yourself with them.

With at home wart removal, you have a number of different options. Those options include home remedies, as well as over-the-counter medications. Although over-the-counter wart removers may be considered safer, it is important to remember that they are both associated with risks. These risks may not only be harmful to your health, but to your physical appearance. That is why it is important to familiarize yourself with these risks, ahead of time.

Best Wart Removal Treatment
There are many modern treatment techniques to treat this condition. Let us go through some of the best wart removal techniques.

Treatment of common wart
Common warts are the most widespread type of wart seen in many individuals. It usually appears in hands and feet. It is very easy to cure this type of growth as almost all methods of wart treatments like salicylic acid treatment, immunotherapy, laser therapy, electrocautery, podophyllin treatment, imiquimod treatment and veregen treatment are effective in curing this skin condition completely within a few months. If we delay the treatment, a common wart may spread to other parts of the body especially into face.

Treatment of flat warts
Flat warts mainly affect children and teenagers. This type of growth appear in brownish red colored clusters in the face and neck of the affected individual. Flat warts are smooth and spread easily to other parts of the body especially to hands and fingers. Flat warts can treat effectively using the methods like cryotherapy and imiquimod application. Cryotherapy is the method of freezing the growth to prevent further development of the warts, where imiquimod application shrinks them and make surrounding tissues to fight against the warts by improving the immune response. Using medicated tapes and other topical agents like veregen are effective.

Treatment of plantar verrucae
Plantar verrucae are the warts that appear in the pressure points of the feet, especially in the sole and side of the toes. The plantar verrucae are medium sized 'rough' warts that may cause pain while walking. These warts are able to resist the treatment, so the treatment procedures must carry out carefully under medical supervision. It may take few months or even a year to get rid from plantar verrucae. Treatment procedures like laser therapy, cryotherapy, and Immunotherapy are the best wart removal techniques effective against plantar verrucae. The chemical substances like blistering agents also provides considerable cure to plantar verrucae. If the wart is more serious, a minor surgery may be required to remove this skin condition.

Treatment of Genital warts
Genital warts are the most infectious type of warts. They appear mainly on the penis, vagina, anus, thighs, and pubic region and in serious conditions, warts may present inside anal and vaginal canal. Unlike other warts, Genital wart is a sexually transmitted disease. These warts spread from an infected individual to others through sexual intercourse or close physical contacts. The effective method to cure genital wart is the application of topical agents. These substances are able to burn off the wart from the base. Many medicines and chemical substances are available to treat genital wart. Some are:

•Trichloroacetic acid
•Dichloroacetic acid
•Salicylic acid etc

These substances cure warts by producing immunological responses to the surrounding tissues or by burning it off. The treatment must continue for some more days even after the disappearance of warts as it helps to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Treatment for periungual and subungual warts
Periungual and subungual warts are tough to treat. They appear on the nails of fingers and toes. They increase in their size very fast. In some cases, this type of warts may collapse the entire nail. Periungual and subungual warts spreads easily from one person to another through direct contact. Salicylic acid is less effective if they are big. Methods like laser treatment and cryotherapy are effective and eliminate this disorder in a short period.

The advancement of technology helped to develop a number of best wart removal techniques to cure even the most serious warts without side effects. However always check the chemical compounds for hypersensitivity reactions before applying the medications. Accidental application of some medications on the skin may cause serious side effects.

Other Related Products:

Pedifix Wart Stick maximum strength solid based wart remover - 1 ea

Salactic Film Topical Solution for removal of Warts - 15 Ml

Wartner Plantar Wart Removal Systems, 10 Applications - 35 Ml

Duofilm Liquid Salicylic Acid Wart Remover - 1/3 Oz

Trans-ver-sal 12mm wart remover patches for adults - 12 ea

Premier wart remover liquid, maximum strength - 0.5 oz

Compound W wart remove, fast acting gel - 0.25 oz

Dr. Scholls clear away liquid wart remover system - 0.33 oz

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