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ACNEFREE - Clear Skin Treatments

Acne Free Skin

Acne is a skin disorder caused by inflammation of the sebaceous glands and its attached hair follicles. Typically appears in regions where these glands and follicles are most prominent: face, neck, chest, shoulders, upper arms and back. Includes whiteheads, blackheads and pimples. Usually starts at puberty and can continue for several years.

Acne results from a continuous process below the skin's surface. As the sebaceous glands produce sebum - oil that fills the skin's pore down to the hair follicles - it is secreted and lubricates the hair and skin. When too much of this oil is produced, the pore can become blocked, creating a plug that closes off the opening to the outside of the skin. The plug traps the oil, causing bacteria to form. As bacteria grows, the blockage extends up and becomes visible on the skin's surface as acne.

The exact causes of acne are unknown but there are several factors that have been proven to contribute to the onset of this skin condition like Hormones, Skin type plus genetics, Stress, Cosmetics, hair, Skin products and also due to Climatic conditions.

Different Types of Acne

Moderate AcneView Solutions

Whitehead: A small pimple having a white or yellowish head, due to a pore clogged with dead skin cells and oils. A layer of skin covers the surface of a whitehead, so because it's not exposed to air, it won't get dark, like a blackhead.

Blackhead: A small, black-tipped lesion consisting of a clogged pore filled with sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells. The surface of the lesion turns black due to melanin or because of a chemical reaction of the plug content with air.

Papule: A small, inflamed lesion, also known as a pimple.

Pustule: A small, inflamed, elevated lesion, containing pus. Also referred to as a pimple. Differs from a papule because of the pus located in the center of the lesion.

Severe AcneView Solutions

Nodule: A small, abnormal node, mass or lump. Is usually caused by severe acne and may appear as an inflamed, deep, red bump that's larger than a pimple. Can be painful and lead to scarring.

Cyst: A large, pus-filled acne lesion that's usually inflamed and painful. Can become infected and lead to scarring.

Improve Your Daily Cleaning Regimen

Severe problems with acne can improve when you commit to a daily cleaning regimen. Wash your face with a cleaner that is not oil or alcohol based because these tend to dry your skin. Start a cleaning regiment, and stick to it. You will see a difference with your acne in no time.

If you wear sunglasses, make sure that the lenses and the frames are cleaned every single week. Even though you can't see it, bacteria will build up on your sunglasses and contribute to acne formation. Clean your sunglasses often if you want to achieve bright, radiant skin around the eyes.

Wash your face twice daily with a sulfur based soap that is intended for the treatment of acne. You should wash first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Don't scrub your face hard or use excessively hot water because this will trigger oil production in your skin and make your acne worse.

Solutions for Moderate and Severe Acne

Oxy Acne solutions exfoliating body scrub - 10 oz

Noxzema clean blemish control daily scrub, 5 oz

Derma-E very clear problem skin cleanser formerly clear skin - 6 oz

Acnutrol acne skin support topical gel - 3 oz

Kiss My Face Break out botanical acne gel - 1 oz

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